
Frey’s procedure

15. Freys procedure blog
  • Frey’s procedure is a surgical technique over the pancreas. It is performed for chronic pancreatitis. Here the disease part of head of pancreas is cored out as an initial step. The surgeon then joins small intestine with the pancreas.

  • Chronic pancreatitis with narrowing of pancreatic duct & stones in pancreas – this condition will need Frey’s procedure for pain relief. The patients with chronic pancreatitis who do not have pain, will not be benefited by Frey’s procedure.


The Frey’s procedure is performed under general anesthesia, which means that the patient is asleep and completely unaware during the procedure.

As the stones & diseased portion of pancreas is removed, the patient becomes pain free(90-95% success rate). The other advantage is the free drainage of pancreatic secretions into intestine, which were initially affected due to narrowing of pancreatic duct.

Recovery usually takes 5-7 days after operation. In some patient it may take a bit longer time. Your doctor will gradually increase your diet. You will be given pain killers & antibiotics. There may be tube coming out of your tummy which will be removed once it stops poring fluid or as per the advise of your doctor.

Possible risks following the Frey procedure include infection, bleeding and a leakage from the suture line. If any of the above complications happen then your doctor will advise you regarding further treatment options.

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Dr. Harsh J Shah

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