
Pancreatic Cancer

Frequently Asked Questions Part 3

What is pancreatic cancer with Jaundice?

What is Pancreatic cancer with Jaundice

⦿ Jaundice is a symptom of pancreatic cancer. This can occur when a tumour blocks the bile duct connecting the pancreas to the liver.

⦿ It is important to remember that, not all patients with pancreatic cancer will experience Jaundice. It depends on the size and location of their tumour.
⦿ Although Jaundice can be a symptom at every level of pancreatic cancer, patients with early detection of pancreatic cancer may be suitable for treatment, which gives the greatest hope of long-term disease control.

What is an Atrophic Pancreas?

What is an Atrophic Pancreas

⦿ Pancreatic atrophy is an inevitable degeneration of the pancreas, associated with chronic pancreatitis. This disease involves inflammation of the pancreas, and long term alcohol intake is the leading cause of this.

⦿ Pancreatic atrophy is usually seen in older patients or patients with chronic pancreatitis. The atrophic pancreas is rarely diagnosed in young patients.
⦿ Patient with the atrophic pancreas can develop diabetes &/or pancreatic enzyme insufficiency.

What is pancreatic cancer with Ascites?

What is pancreatic cancer with Ascites

⦿ Ascites is when too much fluid builds up in the abdomen. Pancreatic cancer can sometimes cause fluid to build up in the tummy area (abdomen). It can cause pain and discomfort.

⦿ A person may have swelling in the tummy and may feel full quickly when eating. The person might find it harder to move around and may get breathless, even when lying down.

What is Pancreatic cancer with GOO?

What is Pancreatic cancer with GOO

⦿ Gastric outlet obstruction (GOO) blocks the path from the stomach to the lower intestine. Pancreas cancer may completely block the way or allow a small amount to pass. The backup can cause pain and stop food from being digested.

⦿ GOO typically develops in patients with pancreatic cancer due to the progression of the primary tumour causing extrinsic compression of the duodenum. Pancreatic cancer is the most popular malignancy that causes GOO. GOO may occur in 10-20% of patients with pancreatic carcinoma.

Can pancreas cancer cause diabetes?

Can pancreas cancer cause diabetes

⦿ Diabetes is known as a risk factor as well as a possible outcome of pancreatic cancer. Higher than average plasma insulin levels and elevated pressure on the pancreas to generate insulin have been proposed as potential causes for diabetes, contributing to a higher risk of pancreatic cancer.

⦿ Pancreatic cancer can lead to diabetes by reducing the amount of insulin released by the pancreas.
If the pancreas (pancreatectomy) needs to be removed as part of cancer therapy, it can also lead to diabetes.

What does the Hyperechoic of pancreas mean?

What does the Hyperechoic of pancreas mean

⦿ Hyperechoic pancreas was defined as a homogeneous echogenicity of the pancreatic body. That was slightly lower than or equal to the echogenicity of retroperitoneal fat on routine ultrasonography.

⦿ Hyperechoic pancreas usually means fat infiltration into the pancreas. This is a part of metabolic syndrome and abdominal adiposity, where fat accumulation takes part in organs inside the abdomen. Also, sometimes it can lead to chronic pancreatitis.

Why pancreatic cancer painful?

Why pancreatic cancer painful

⦿ Pain can be a big issue for patients with pancreatic cancer. Pain in the abdominal (belly) or back is normal in pancreatic cancer. Cancers that begin in the body or the tail of the pancreas can develop relatively extensive and start to press on other surrounding organs, causing pain.

⦿ Cancer can also spread to the nerves around the pancreas, which also induces back pain. In pancreatic cancer, the liver is sometimes swollen. This can lead to inflammation as the swollen liver pulls on the nerves and tissues of the surrounding area.

Pancreatic cancer vs Pancreatic cyst

Pancreatic cancer vs. Pancreatic cyst

⦿ Pancreatic cysts are saclike fluid pockets on or in the pancreas. The pancreas is a sizeable gastrointestinal organ that contains hormones and enzymes that help digest food.

⦿ Sometimes pancreatic cysts form as a result of pancreatitis, inflammation of the pancreas. Cysts are prevalent in the pancreas. Many pancreatic cysts are non-cancer and are unlikely to damage or cause symptoms.
⦿ But others of them are precancerous and can turn into pancreatic cancer. So it’s essential to figure out what kind of cyst they have.

Pancreatic cancer vs neuroendocrine tumour

Pancreatic cancer vs. neuroendocrine tumor

Pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic adenocarcinoma is also referred to as “pancreatic cancer.” It begins in exocrine cells that contain enzymes that facilitate digestion.

Pancreatic cancer is more advanced, has a lower chance of survival, and does not cause early symptoms. Advanced signs and symptoms include:

⦿ Jaundice (The yellowing of the face and the whiteness of the eyes)
⦿ Light-coloured stools
⦿ Black urine
⦿ Pain in the upper or lower abdomen and the back
⦿ Loss of weight
⦿ Hunger loss
⦿ Felt very sleepy

Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Cancer

Pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer is sometimes called islet cell carcinoma. It starts in the endocrine cells, which produce hormones to regulate blood sugar.

Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Cancer is less common, has a better chance of recovery. The tumours may produce hormones and cause early symptoms, such as:

⦿ Diarrhea
⦿ Indigestion
⦿ Blood sugar changes
⦿ Weight loss
⦿ Stomach pain
⦿ Jaundice (The yellowing of the face and the whiteness of the eyes)
⦿ Skin rash on face, stomach, or legs

Pancreatic cancer vs Colon cancer

Pancreatic cancer vs. Colon cancer
⦿ A hereditary disease that could trigger a person’s chances of acquiring pancreatic cancer, as well as other forms of cancer, such as colon cancer, is called Lynch syndrome.
⦿ Lynch syndrome, also known as hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), is caused by mutations in each of the many genes that impair the ability of the cells to repair DNA damage.
⦿ Lynch syndrome is most closely related to the risk of colon cancer, but it can also raise a person’s risk of contracting pancreatic cancer. Pancreatic cancer metastasis to the colon is a rare individual.
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Dr. Harsh J Shah

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