
Rectal prolapse in adults - Know about Rectal cancer

rectal prolapse
Rectal prolapse in adults may be a rare condition that happens when some or all of the tissue that lines the rectum sticks out of the anus. (The rectum is the lower part of the large intestine.) Rectal prolapse is commonest in older women but can happen in men and women of all ages.

Women who have had more than one baby by vaginal birth are more likely to get rectal prolapse. Other health conditions which will make rectal prolapse more likely include:

  • Long-term bowel problems such as:
  •  Constipation – this suggests your bowel movements are too hard or small, difficult to get out, and happen fewer than 3 times per week.
  •  Straining during bowel movements
  • Diarrhoea – this suggests your bowel movements are watery or runny and happen quite 3 times every day.
  • Problems within the pelvic area, including weak muscles or a history of pelvic surgery.

The main symptom is bright red tissue sticking out of the anus. The tissue might have mucus or blood on it. Rectal prolapse isn’t usually painful but may be uncomfortable. The tissue might stay outside the anus or move back inside the body.

Other symptoms include:

  • Trouble starting a bowel movement
  • Feeling such as you have not fully emptied your bowels
  • Leaking solid or liquid bowel movements (called “fecal incontinence”)

Your Gastroenterologist can also tell if you have the problem by doing an exam. If the tissue has moved back inside your body, your Gastroenterologist might ask you to squat or sit on the toilet to check if the tissue comes back out of your body.

You might need other tests. These tests can also show if you have a different problem. They include:

  • An MRI – This test creates pictures of the within the body.
  • Cystocolpoproctography – For this test, a Gastroenterologist fills your bladder, vagina, and rectum with a substance known as “assessment material” that indicates X-rays. The X-rays show how those parts of your body are functioning.
  • Defecography – This test also uses contrast material in the rectum and takes X-rays while you have a bowel movement.
  • Manometry – This test measures the pressure inside the rectum. It can show if the muscles that control bowel movements are working correctly.

The treatment depends on how serious your symptoms are and if you have other health problems. Whatever treatment you have, your Gastroenterologist will likely tell you to:

  • Eat foods that have a lot of fiber. excellent choices are fruits, vegetables, prune juice, and cereal (table). you ought to eat between 25 to 30 grams of fiber per day.
  • Drink 4 to eight cups of water or other fluids per day.
  • Operation to correct the problem is usually required. It is done through laparoscopic technique.
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Dr. Harsh J Shah

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